Compare two revisions of: Worksheet

... ... @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The OMB+ parameter `ombplus_role` specifies the workflow for training, quiz or f
11 11 | :-----|:----|:----|
12 12 |homework|save, clear|container for problems; editable until submission time, set by the lecturer in the configuration page of the corresponding course; tasks are corrected automatically the first time the page is called after submission time|
13 13 |prelearn|save, clear| same as homework, up to the icon|
14 -|selftest|save, clear, evaluation, new problem | container for problems; each problem set can be saved multiple times; evalution triggers correction of all problems in the container at once, it can be triggered only once for a given problem set; after evaluation a student may ask for a new set of problems|
14 +|selftest|save, clear, evaluation, new problem | container for problems; each problem set can be saved multiple times; evaluation triggers correction of all problems in the container at once, it can be triggered only once for a given problem set; after evaluation a student may ask for a new set of problems|
15 15 |selfreflection|save|container for problems; questions that have been processed are flagged.|
16 16 |training|save, clear, new problem|container for problems; saving a problem triggers automatic correction; answers can be submitted many times; student may ask for a new problem at any time|
17 17 |game|set level, continue, new game |container for one single gaming problem; author can set the workflow, e.g. student must start with the first level and gets access to the next level only if he has reached a certain threshold of points|
18 18