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FAQ Examination Lecturers

How many students have already registered for my exam?
  • Open the exam list
  • Select the appropriate exam
  • Open "Member grades" on the in the upper right menu bar
  • In the first column all participants are numbered

What is the timeline for preparing for an exam?


What should the preparation for the exam look like?


What types of questions are available?


How can I download the points achieved by the students?
  • Open the exam list
  • Select the appropriate exam
  • At the bottom of the summary you will find the button "CSV export"

This is not the export for the examination office

How do I get the data for archiving in the examination office?

This is only possible through the employees of integral-learning GmbH. Please contact

Is there any leeway for students in the examination period?


Can I give individual students more time?

no ... but we can create a extra exam for compensation for disadvantages ...