
A Worksheet is a document that holds one or multiple problems. It can only be referenced once in a course since students grades are connected to a worksheet. You can however let the student solve the same problem multiple times by creating a new worksheet that uses the same problem.

MUMIE Worksheets

MUMIE Worksheets are created in WebMiau and published to MUMIE servers.


Worksheets can have parameters which can control the workflow in a specific course. The values will be read by the workflow handler which may differ depending on the course.

For example:
The OMB+ parameter ombplus_role specifies the workflow for training, quiz or final_exam. The system distinguishes which worksheets are used for practice only and which are necessary for obtaining the certificate.


Category Buttons Description
homework save, clear container for problems; editable until submission time, set by the lecturer in the configuration page of the corresponding course; tasks are corrected automatically the first time the page is called after submission time
prelearn save, clear same as homework, up to the icon
selftest save, clear, evaluation, new problem container for problems; each problem set can be saved multiple times; evaluation triggers correction of all problems in the container at once, it can be triggered only once for a given problem set; after evaluation a student may ask for a new set of problems unless the author has set the worksheet parameter mumie_new_data_allowed to false
instant-selftest save, clear container for problems; saving a problem triggers automatic correction; answers can be submitted many times and will be corrected with every submit; the student may not ask for a new set of problems
selfreflection save container for problems; questions that have been processed are flagged.
training save, clear, new problem container for problems; saving a problem triggers automatic correction; answers can be submitted many times; student may ask for a new problem at any time
game set level, continue, new game container for one single gaming problem; author can set the workflow, e.g. student must start with the first level and gets access to the next level only if he has reached a certain threshold of points


On the right hand side of the course editor it is possible to set a summary of a worksheet. Summaries will be displayed when the worksheet is not a wrapper and the student opens the worksheet node in the course.

Drag-and-drop a summary from the FileExplorer to the right side of course editor.

Pool Worksheets

Pool worksheets are created directly in Aufgabenpool via an easy-to-understand UI.
You can adjust the title, score weights and the workflow.

They cannot be sent to other MUMIE Servers, but they can be imported as MUMIE Task in LMS.


Pool worksheets are immutable. While the problems used within can be subject to change, the configuration cannot be altered. If you want to change it, consider creating a new worksheet instead.

Creating worksheets

Step Description
1 Open the pool browser by visiting
2 Click the button Add to worksheet to add a problem to the worksheet you want to create Add problem to worksheet
3 Click on the worksheet icon in the top right corner to configure the worksheet Configure worksheet
4 Click Next and check the configuration before finalizing the creation by pressing Save

You can also start by copying an existing worksheets to your new worksheet. This is done by adding the worksheet to your worksheet.
The problems of the other worksheet will automatically be added to your selection,
and you the workflow will be adopted, too.


Property Description
Title This name will be displayed in the pool browser
Problem order The order in which the problems will be displayed
Score weight Determines how much weight will be put on the problem's score when calculating the overall worksheet grade
Time of correction Determines when corrections are triggered
Show correction button If enabled, a student can request to see a correction and an example solution for the problems
Number of new data allowed Allows the user to reset the question and request a new one. Can be disabled by setting the value to _0_