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How to create a link pointing to a non-MUMIE websites e.g. Wikipedia

This can be done with the \href command. Its usage is:


where URL is the URL of the page the link points to, and LINK_TEXT is the text that appears as link in the MUMIE document.


You want to create a link to the Wikipedia start page with the link text "see Wikipedia".
The URL of the Wikipedia start page is

Then the TeX code for inserting the link is \href{}{see Wikipedia}

How to create a reference to a specific position in another MUMIE document

Say you want to create a link from a certain position in document A (origin) to a certain position in the same or an other document, called document B (target).

  • First, mark the position in the target document B (typically outside any lang-environment) by



    \anchor{target_position}{anchor text}
  • Go the point of origin i.e. the position where you want to place the reference to appear.

  • Drag the target file from the FileExplorer into the position in the origin file (in each language environment seperately).
  • WebMiau opens a dialog. Choose Ref
  • WebMiau creates a reference to the other document
    \ref[LID][Link to ...]{anchor}
  • Replace anchor with target_position

The command creates a hyperlink originating at "point_of_origin" and pointing to the position marked by "target_position" in the target document B.
The link text is the second optional argument, thus, "Link to ...". If this argument is omitted, the link text defaults to the LID.

How to create a reference to another MUMIE document

Say you want to create a link in document A (origin) to another document, called document B (target)

  • Go the point of origin i.e. the position where you want to place the link to appear
  • Drag the target file from the FileExplorer into the position in the origin file.
  • WebMiau opens a dialog. Choose Link
  • WebMiau creates a link to the other document

    \link{LID}{Link to ...}

    The command creates a link to the the target document B.
    The link text "Link to ..." is replaceable with any label.

How to create a reference to a specific position in the same MUMIE document


where anchor is the target position and LINK_TEXT is the text that appears as link in the MUMIE document.


where anchor is the target position. Ususally chapter and sub chapter numbers are displayed as link text. Use \lref if you prefer a different behaviour.