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How to create a link pointing to a non-MUMIE websites e.g. Wikipedia

This can be done with the \href command. Its usage is:


where URL is the URL of the page the link points to, and LINK_TEXT is the text that appears as link in the MUMIE document.


You want to create a link to the Wikipedia start page with the link text "see Wikipedia".
The URL of the Wikipedia start page is

Then the TeX code for inserting the link is \href{}{see Wikipedia}

How to create a reference to another MUMIE document

Say you want to create a link in document A (origin) to another document, called document B (target)

  • Go the point of origin i.e. the position where you want to place the link to appear
  • Drag the target file from the FileExplorer into the position in the origin file.
  • WebMiau opens a dialog. Choose Link
  • WebMiau creates a link to the other document
\link{LID}{Link to ...}

The command creates a link to the the target document B (referenced by the LID, and declared in the metainfo-part of document A).
The link text is "Link to ..." and can be replaced with any text that you like.

How to create a reference to a specific position in the same or another MUMIE document

Say you want to create a link from a certain position in document A (origin) to a certain position in the same or an other document, called document B (target).

  • First, you have to create a label or an anchor at the specific position in document B (typically outside any lang-environment).
  • Second, you have to create the reference. Here the procedure depends on whether you refer within the same document or two another MUMIE document.

Set a label/anchor at a specific position in a MUMIE document

There are two options:



\anchor{label_name}{some text}

They only differ in that with the anchor-command the position is placed "around" the text.

How to reference to the target position from within the same MUMIE document

There are two options:


where label_name is the name you used when setting the label, and LINK_TEXT is the text that appears as link in the MUMIE document.


where label_name is the name you used when setting the label. Ususally chapter, sub chapter numbers or theorem numbers are displayed as link text. Use \lref if you prefer a different behaviour.

Reference to the target position from another MUMIE document.

  • Go the point of origin i.e. the position where you want to place the reference to appear.
  • Drag the target file from the FileExplorer into the position in the origin file (in each language environment separately).
  • WebMiau opens a dialog. Choose Ref
  • WebMiau creates a reference to the other document
    \ref[LID][Link to ...]{anchor}
  • Replace anchor with label_name

The command creates a link to the specific position in the target document B. The document B is referenced by the LID, and declared in the metainfo-part of document A.
The link text is "Link to ..." and can be replaced with any text that you like.
The link text can be omitted in which case a default text will appear.