Working with MUMIE as author
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Working with MUMIE as teacher
Using MUMIE via plugin in local LMS
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Working with MUMIE as author
Working with MUMIE as teacher
Using MUMIE via plugin in local LMS
To make a simple matrix variable you can use
1 & 2 \\ %1st row of 2x2 matrix
3 & 4 %2nd row of 2x2 matrix
you can also use number or function variables for the cells
a & b \\ %1st row of 2x2 matrix
c & d %2nd row of 2x2 matrix
The python like syntax is created to make create more complex matrices.
It supports matrix functions such as addition, multiplication, inverse and so on.
a matrix in the python like syntax is a collection of row vectors with same number of columns, separated by semicolon.
\matrix{C}{[ [1;2] ; [3;4] ]} % 2x2 Matrix
you can also create row vector variables and use it in your matrix
\matrix{C}{[ row1 ; [3;4] ]} % 2x2 Matrix
Supported Matrix Operations are:
\matrix{C}{[[1;2];[3;4]} % 2x2 Matrix
\matrix{D}{2*C} % Scalar multiplication
\matrix{E}{C*D} % Matrix multiplication
\matrix{F}{D+E-C} % addition and substraction
\matrix{G}{inv(C)} % inverse of matrix, will throw exception if matrix is not invertible
\matrix{H}{transpose(C)} % adjoint of matrix
\matrix{I}{adjoint(C)} % adjoint of matrix
\matrix{J}{det(C)} % determinant of C, result is 1x1 matrix
\matrix{K}{trace(C)} % trace of C, result is 1x1 matrix
\function{fj}{det(C)} % determinant of C but as a function
\function{fk}{trace(C)} % trace of C but as a function
The new syntax also supports function actions such as normalize, calculate, expand
\matrix{C}{[[1;2];[3;4]} % 2x2 Matrix
\matrix{D}{C*2} % [ [2*1;2*2];[2*3;2*4] ]
\matrix[calculate]{Dcalc}{D} % [ [2;4] ; [6;8] ]
Indexing and slicing is zero based as in numpy. So the first row and the first column in a matrix have the index 0.
\matrix{C}{[[1+x;2;3];[4;5;6]} % 2x3 Matrix
\matrix{D}{C[0,0]} % entry in the first row and first column as a 1x1 matrix
\function{fd}{C[0,0]} % entry in the first row and first column as a function object
The Basic syntax for slicing is i:j:k, with
\matrix{C}{[ [1+x;2;3] ; [4;5;6] ]} % 2x3 Matrix
\matrix{D}{C[0:1,1:2]} % result is [ [2;3] ; [5;6] ]
\matrix{E}{C[1,0:3]} % result is [ [4;5;6] ]
\matrix{F]{C[:,0]} % result is first column of all rows [ [1+x] ; [4] ]
\matrix{G}{C[1:]} % [ [4;5;6] ]
\matrix{H}{C[:,0:3:2] % [ [1+x;3] ; [4;6] ]
Updated by Petrus Tan, 3 years, 5 months ago – 84a701a