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Matrix Variables

How to create matrix variables

1. tex like syntax

To make a simple matrix variable you can use

 1 & 2 \\ %first row of 2x2 matrix
 3 & 4 % 2nd row of 2x2 matrix

you can also use number or function variables for the cells

 a & b \\ %first row of 2x2 matrix
 c & d % 2nd row of 2x2 matrix

2. python like syntax

The python like syntax is created to make create more complex matrices.
It supports matrix functions such as addition, multiplication, inverse and so on.

2.1 creating a simple matrix

a matrix in the python like syntax is a collection of row vectors with same number of columns, separated by semicolon.

\matrix{C}{[ [1;2] ; [3;4] ]} % 2x2 Matrix

you can also create row vector variables and use it in your matrix

\matrix{C}{[ row1 ; [3;4] ]} % 2x2 Matrix

2.1 Matrix Operations

\matrix{C}{[[1;2];[3;4]} % 2x2 Matrix
\matrix{D}{2*C} % Number multiplication
\matrix{E}{C*D} % Matrix multiplication
\matrix{F}{D+E-C} % addition and substraction
\matrix{G}{inv(C)} % inverse of matrix, will throw exception if matrix is not invertible
\matrix{H}{transpose(C)} % adjoint of matrix
\matrix{I}{adjoint(C)} % adjoint of matrix