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python in problems



Checks the students code.

    for i in range(1,50):
        if(expected_sum(i) != sum(i)):     
            exit(11)                        # returns with grading code 11
    exit(0)                                 # returns with grading code 0                     


Creates an author defined Python function.

\begin{pythonfunction}{expected_sum}          # expected_sum is the name of the function
      def expected_sum(n):
          s = 0
          for i in range(1,n+1):
              s += i
          return s                                                


Creates a sample solution for the code fragment with the given name

    def sum(n):
        s = 0
        for i in range(1,n):
            s += i
        return s



Creates an input field for a code fragment. \pythonanswer[template]{name}

  • template can be used to define a template for the answer.
  • name is the identifier of the code fragment.
        def sum(n):
            s = \editable                       # creats one editable line for the student
            for i in range(1,n+1):
                \multilineEditable              # creates editable lines for the student, which are extendable of it
            return s


Defines an include for a whole python problem or a question of it \include{lid}

  • lid is the lid of the python script that is meant to be included


Defines an include of an answer for a question in a Python problem \includeAnswer[forced]{sum}

  • forced the user answer is included, even if the corresponding question is answered wrong
  • sum is the name of the pythonanswer that is supposed to be included


Specifies the grade and feedback for a certain evaluator exit value. \pythongrading{exitcode}{grade}{feedback}

  • exitcode is the exit value
  • grade the grade value (number between 0 and 1)
  • feedback the LSP key of the internationalized feedback or a text message
\pythongrading{0}{1.0}{All tests ran and passed}
\pythongrading{10}{0.0}{This is not a 3x3 matrix}
\pythongrading{11}{0.0}{At least one element is zero}
\pythongrading{12}{0.0}{The determinant is not zero}

python in articles



Creates an input field for Python code

\begin{pythoninput}{60}{20}                 # 60: the size of the field in columns # 20: the size of the field in rows
  a11 = 1/4;                                # is the initial content of the field. It can be edited by the student
  a12 = 2/3;
  a21 = -1/5;
  a22 = 3/5;
  A = [ a11, a12; a21, a22 ];



Creates an input field for Python code \pythoninput{width}{height}

  • width the size of the field in columns
  • height the size of the field in rows


Creates a button that sends the contents of a Python input field to a Python process and displays the result in a Python output field

  • label is the text on the button


Creates a text field for output from Python \pythonoutput{width}{height}

  • width the size of the field in columns
  • height the size of the field in rows

python scripts


WebMiau Examples
