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... ... @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ The optional condition is an expression that can be evaluated to true or false.
42 42 | `equalFormat(arg1, arg2)` | Boolean. Checks if the two matrices have the same format. *arg1/arg2* is a matrix variable or refers to a matrix. If some fields of the matrices are not filled, it will return false.| `equalFormat(ans_5, aMatrix)`|
43 43 | `equalString(arg1, arg2)` | Boolean. Checks if two strings are identical. *arg1*/*arg2* is a variable, a reference to an answer or a string. | `equalString(Hallo,ans_5)`, `equalString(ans,myStringVar)` |
44 44 | `equalTrimmedString(arg1, arg2)` |Boolean. Same as `equalString` but all blancs are removed. | |
45 -| `equalChoice(arg, choices)` |Boolean, mc-/sc-questions only. Compares an answer with one or several *choices*.`<br/><br/>` For mc.unique its the choice number that is selected by the user. For mc.yesno, mc.multiple and mc.matrix it's a string of zeros and ones indicating which choices are selected by the user. E.g. 011 means that the last two choices are selected, but not the first. The wildcard '?' can be used. E.g., 0?1 means, that the third choice is selected, but not the first. The second choice can be anything. This of course only works for answer type *mc.yesno*, *mc.multiple* and *mc.matrix*. <br/><br/> For type _mc.matrix_ the strings of zeros and ones are given row-wise seperated by '\\\\', e.g. 101\\\\?01 for a multiple choice matrix with two rows and three columns. <br/><br/>*arg* is an answer reference.<br/><br/>If only a subset of permuted choices is selected, this function only works for type *mc.unique* at the moment.| mc.unique<br/>`equalChoice(ans,4)`<br/><br/> mc.multiple/mc.yesno<br/>`equalChoice(ans,011001)`, `equalChoice(ans_2,011?01)`<br/><br/>mc.matrix<br/>`equalChoice(ans,101\\??1)`<br/><br/>[example in WebMiau](<br/>[example in WebMiau (with subset of permuted choices)](|
46 -| `equalChoice(choices)` | Boolean. Same as `equalChoice(arg, choices`, but for questions of type *mc.unique*, *mc.yesno* and *mc.multiple*. No answer is referenced, because there are no answer environments. It can also be used for an explanation within an answer. In that case it is short for `equalChoice(ans, <choices>)`.<br/><br/>If only a subset of permuted choices is selected, this function only works for type *mc.unique* at the moment. | mc.unique<br/>`equalChoice(4)`<br/><br/>mc.multiple/mc.yesno<br/>`equalChoice(011001)`, `equalChoice(011?01)`|
45 +| `equalChoice(arg, choices)` |Boolean, mc-/sc-questions only. Compares an answer with one or several *choices*.`<br/><br/>` For mc.unique its the choice number that is selected by the user. For mc.yesno, mc.multiple and mc.matrix it's a string of zeros and ones indicating which choices are selected by the user. E.g. 011 means that the last two choices are selected, but not the first. The wildcard '?' can be used. E.g., 0?1 means, that the third choice is selected, but not the first. The second choice can be anything. This of course only works for answer type *mc.yesno*, *mc.multiple* and *mc.matrix*. <br/><br/> For type _mc.matrix_ the strings of zeros and ones are given row-wise seperated by '\\\\', e.g. 101\\\\?01 for a multiple choice matrix with two rows and three columns. <br/><br/>*arg* is an answer reference.<br/><br/>This also works for types *mc.unique*, *mc.yesno* and *mc.multiple* if a subset of permuted choices is selected.| mc.unique<br/>`equalChoice(ans,4)`<br/><br/> mc.multiple/mc.yesno<br/>`equalChoice(ans,011001)`, `equalChoice(ans_2,011?01)`<br/><br/>mc.matrix<br/>`equalChoice(ans,101\\??1)`<br/><br/>[example in WebMiau](<br/>[example in WebMiau (with subset of permuted choices)](|
46 +| `equalChoice(choices)` | Boolean. Same as `equalChoice(arg, choices`, but for questions of type *mc.unique*, *mc.yesno* and *mc.multiple*. No answer is referenced, because there are no answer environments. It can also be used for an explanation within an answer. In that case it is short for `equalChoice(ans, <choices>)`.<br/><br/>This also works for types *mc.unique*, *mc.yesno* and *mc.multiple* if a subset of permuted choices is selected. | mc.unique<br/>`equalChoice(4)`<br/><br/>mc.multiple/mc.yesno<br/>`equalChoice(011001)`, `equalChoice(011?01)`|
47 47 | `edited` | Boolean. On answer level: Returns true if the current answer was edited. On question level: Returns true if at least one answer of the current question was edited. | [example in WebMiau]( |
48 48 | `edited(arg)` | Boolean. Returns true if the referenced answer was edited. *arg* is a reference to an answer. | `edited(ans)`, `edited(ans_4)`<br><br>[example in WebMiau]( |
49 49 | `condition(arg)` | Boolean. *arg* is a string variable. It's value is a valid expression setting a condition. condition(arg) evaluats the string as an expression. That is helpful if one wants to use the same condition multiple times. | declared variable: `\string{cond1}{count(/,ans)=1 }`<br/><br/> reusing it: `condition{cond1}`<br/><br/>[example in WebMiau]( |
50 50