
This feature will be available as soon as the beta-testing phase is finished

Unlock feature

In order to request feedback, it is necessary for the author to belong to a group. This group must be created by an administrator of WebMiau.

Get Feedback from an author

Each tex file has a new entry "Get Feedback From" in the context menu. The second menu level contains all groups in which you are entered as an author. The third menu level contains the respective group members, from which you select one to look at your file.

If you are looking for an author who is not in your group, you can also request feedback via email address. However, the email address must be the one used for WebMiau access.

Assign an optional title

After you have selected an author, a dialog opens in which you can still assign an optional short title. Submit your feedback request with the "Request Feedback" button.


At the moment, the reviewer is not notified by email. The email notification will be added later. After reloading WebMiau, the reviewer will see a red number at the top of the toolbar indicating how many reviews are open.


View reviews

To see all reviews with participation click on the icon contextmenu

A dialog will open where you can see all the open reviews that you created or whose reviewer you are. Besides the open reviews, there is also a tab with already closed reviews. You can also open these reviews again.

Click on one of these entries and a new part of WebMiau will be displayed.


comment editor

create comment

If you found some mistakes, create a comment with the "Create Comment" button. A dialog opens where you can describe the
error and optionally insert the previously created screenshot. Click "OK" to save the comment.

The author can now reply to this comment using the contextmenu button.

resolve comment

Each comment can mark as resolved. Resolved comments are marks with
green contextmenu


edit own comment

The creater of a comment can edit and delete its own comment.


editor (readonly)

The editor is readonly. To edit the content use the button contextmenu


The preview starts automatically. It uses the new Quick-Preview. If it is not possible, the standard preview will be used.

Approve/Unapprove a review

If the reviewer thinks that the file is ok, he gives his approval on the top right with the contextmenu button. Since there can be more than one reviewer, the review is only approved when all reviewers have given their approval.

If the content of the file is changed in the meantime, each reviewer can also revoke his approvel via this button.


contextmenu No reviewer has approved the review

contextmenu At least one reviewer has approved, but not yet all

contextmenu All reviewer have approved

More than one reviewer

Besides the initial reviewer, it is possible to add further reviewers. Use the button contextmenu and choose the additional reviewer.

Show review status in file explorer

In the profile settings there is the possibility to display the current review status for each file. Simply activate the checkbox.


Next to the filter for the file name there is a new icon contextmenu. With this icon, files can be filtered by review status.
