Compare two revisions of: MUMIE Moodle integration for teachers

... ... @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Please note, that the MUMIE integration only works, if the necessary Moodle plug
8 8 # How to add a new MUMIE Task to a Moodle course
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10 10 | Step | Description | Example |
11 -|----------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
11 +|----------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
12 12 | 1 | Make sure that editing is enabled for the course. <br><br> If it's not, you need to activate editing mode by clicking the options symbol on the top right and select __Turn editing on__ | ![activateEditing](uploads/images/Moodle/activateEditing.png) |
13 13 | 2 | Click on __Add an activity or resource__ in the section in which you want to create the _MUMIE Task_ | ![addActivity](uploads/images/Moodle/addActivity.png) |
14 14 | 3 | Select _MUMIE Task_ from the list of available activities and click on the __Add__ button | ![selectActivity](uploads/images/Moodle/selectActivity.png) |
15 -| 4 | Select first a __MUMIE server__ from the drop down menu. <br>Then click on the __Problem selector__ button.<br><br>The problem selector will open in a new browser tab that will automatically close on completion. | ![selectServer](uploads/images/Moodle/selectMumieServer.png) |
15 +| 4 | Select first a __MUMIE server__ from the drop down menu. <br>Then click on the __Problem selector__ button.<br><br>The problem selector will open in a new browser tab that will automatically close on completion.<br><br>If you encounter an error message like the following, contact your Moodle-Administrator, so that your Moodle-Account gets the right to use SSO. ![errorWithSSO](uploads/images/Moodle/errorWithSSO.png) | ![selectServer](uploads/images/Moodle/selectMumieServer.png) |
16 16 | 5 | The options that you have in the problem selector when choosing the __Pool__ server are a bit different than those when you chose a course server.<br>See [here for the pool server]( and [here for course servers]( | |
17 17 | 6 | After you have selected a problem, you can change the __Name__ for the _MUMIE Task_, and choose whether the _MUMIE Task_ should be __embedded__ into Moodle or opened in a __New window__ by selecting the corresponding option in the __Launch container__ field. <br> __New window__ is preferred as by default some browsers block the authentification in _iframes_ which is used for embedded problems. | This is what an embedded _MUMIE Task_ looks like in Moodle: <br><br> ![embeddedView](uploads/images/Moodle/embeddedView.png) |
18 18 | 7 | Enter an integer for __Maximum points__ and a minimal passing grade in the _Grade_ section. <br><br>You can also set a __Deadline__. If you do so, grades that were earned after the selected date won't be synchronized with the gradebook. <br><br>If you are adding the first MUMIE Task to a course you must also select whether to share grades with other MOODLE courses. Keep in mind that this decision is __final__, applies to all MUMIE Tasks in this course and cannot be changed later. | ![activityFormGrade](uploads/images/Moodle/activityFormGrade.png) |
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