You're not reading the latest revision of this page, which is
graph TD;
C-->E[Automatisch Referenzen mitschicken ?]
E-->G{Option für den User
H-->J[Warnung an den User]
J-->V[BE kompiliert alle notwendigen Dateien]
V-->K[Alles hochladen]
I--nur-->W[notwendige Dateien kompilieren]
W--und-->L[ausgewählte Dateien hochladen]
L--failed-->N[section .meta.xml zusätzlich hochladen]
B-->F[Automatisch Referenzen mitschicken ?]
O--nur-->X[Datei kompilieren]
X--und-->P[Datei hochladen]
P--failed-->R[rekursiv alle Referenzen und alle Section-Dateien hochladen]
Q-->AC[Media in einer alten Version]
monatlich auf
persisierten Stand
zurück gesetzt,
Problem, da Media
erst bei Änderung
aktualisiert wird-->AE[kommt sehr selten vor]
AE--Ändern ohne
Änderung-->AF[siehe: Media Dateien bearbeiten]
A-->S[Media Dateien bearbeiten]
S--sofort im Hintergund-->T[jede Änderung auf Preview-Server hochladen]
classDef blue fill:#5555Cf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,color:#FFF;
classDef switch fill:#0AF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef red fill:#F00,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef publish fill:#FFF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
classDef preview fill:#DDD,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
classDef media fill:#FFF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
classDef warning fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
class G switch
class A blue
class AC red
class AE warning
class C,E,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,V,W publish
class B,F,O,X,P,Q,R preview
class S,T,AA,AB,AF media
If you change a file in WebMiau, you will most likely wnat to apply the changes to a website, or a testing server. To do this in
WebMiau, you have to follow some steps which are listed below:
First of all you have to add the server to your profile.
You can do this by holding the courser on the Head in the upper left corner. Click profile. Now click the Globe.
There is a little plus in the lower left corner. Here you can add a profile Name and the URL of the server you would like to publish to.
If this is done, you can publish your task.
Go to your task and click the globe. Select the server you saved before und put in the password.
Before you click publish you can choose "With references". Be aware, that this will publish ALL files and pictures that are referenced in your code, and
all files and pictures that are referenced in these files and so on.
Meaning that this could lead to you publishing the WHOLE course, including files you didn't even know where changed by someone else!!
We highly recommend to not use this option until you are entirely sure that you know what you are doing!
Hier Text